Why holistic Health isn’t for you

Why holistic Health isn’t for you… In this video I’m going to give you 5 reasons why no matter what you implement in your life to get better holistically, it won’t work if you continue to keep these 5 habits.

If you don’t know me, I’m Hélène, your traditional therapist in holistic health. I’m specialized in womb, gut and general health care and my goal is to sublimate your being through nutrition and herbs.

N°1: If your why, the reason you want to take care of yourself, isn’t powerful enough

We talk a lot about finding your why in business, to give you the strength to follow through on your goals, to be able to discipline yourself when motivation is no longer enough. I think, that’s something that’s well integrated in everyone’s mind.

Why is it different for health? The majority of people who can’t reach their goals, who can’t last more than 3 months to implement a change for their health, are people who don’t have a real why.

When you’re not doing well in life, or when you’re ill, you’re living in a situation that’s uncomfortable, sometimes painful, but it’s a situation you’re familiar with. The fear of change and of how your whole life can change after real effort and sacrifice, can be more frightening than the painful situation you endure on a daily basis, whether physical or mental. Why is this? Because it’s familiar. It’s your reality.

Saying to yourself, I want to take care of my health because I want to get better psychologically and physically, isn’t enough. If you want to overcome all the difficulties that will come your way during this process, you need to have a real reason that grips you. 

For example, you might say to yourself: 

  • I want to take back control of my life and stop depending on my health for my happiness.
  • I want to create a healthy environment and habits so that my body can protect me from aggression for the next 50 years 
  • I want to be able to take care of my children without difficulty, and above all, I don’t want them to have to put up with my state of health.
  • I want to be able to travel without my well-being being affected by every change of climate, food and environment, and just be able to live life to the full.
  • I want to dissociate myself from illness, dissociate myself from pain, or dissociate myself from depression or sadness. 
  • I want to take back control of my mental health so that I never have to be afraid of my abilities again, and regain my self-confidence.

As you can see, you need a real why.

I can share mine with you. Suffering from fibromyalgia, endometriosis and functional colopathy, I take care of my health so that my being can be in shape at every level, so that I can take care of my son, so that I can offer him everything he needs if chronic paralysis prevents me from taking care of him.

I want to give him the world. I also want to get up every morning without my body hurting, so that the first thing I feel is a sense of well-being and not persistent pain. And finally, I want to take care of my health, because it allows me to pass on messages and enable other people to improve their health, well-being and lives when they thought they were incapable of doing so. I want to be able to impact your lives positively and teach you to love taking care of yourself holistically.

You see, if you want to improve your health in a holistic way, you won’t get anywhere if your whys don’t allow you to cope with anything.

N°2: If you don’t want to make sacrifices and your comfort comes first

You can’t make real changes in your life if you keep repeating the same actions, the same mistakes or if you stay in your comfort zone. Today, I know that many people are looking for the easy way out, waiting for a goal through an operation, medication etc… When it comes to effort, sacrifice and surpassing oneself, good deeds for oneself never last long enough.

Let me tell you something, I’m all for taking things one step at a time and gradually evolving so that each action becomes a habit and not a constraint. However, I’m obliged to tell you that if you seek comfort in absolutely everything you do, you’ll never get ahead. 

It’s in discomfort that our body surpasses itself, it’s in discomfort that our spirit is strengthened, it’s in discomfort that we give ourselves the opportunity to experience unexpected things, to heal deep wounds and to feel a real well-being never before equalled. 

If you give time to your new habits, if you commit to yourself and to the future you to respect this commitment and embrace your success, then you’ll be able to accomplish everything with abundance. What you feel you’re sacrificing today is actually the thorn you’re removing from your foot to run towards what’s best for you. 


N°3: If you don’t want to work on your emotions, your mind and your energies

If you think that’s being weak, or that people like you aren’t concerned with working on their emotions, their mind and their energies, then 1, you’re on the wrong track, and 2, holistic health really isn’t for you.

Our being evolves thanks to what is palpable; our body and our organs, but also thanks to what is not palpable (or at least not for everyone) our emotions, our mind and our energies. 

Thinking that you can improve your entire health without ever really introspecting on the non-palpable part is like opening a wound to clean it, but then closing it again, leaving the absorbent cotton inside. Do you see the problem? It’s useless, or at least, the problems always come to the surface and do much more harm than they did in the first place. 

The more you are in tune with developing, strengthening and even multiplying your emotional, mental and energetic capacities and potential, the more you will allow your physical healing to be optimized.

Women, men and children, everyone needs to be involved.

If what I say resonates with you, you can subscribe to this channel. I’ll be sharing as much content as I can in the coming weeks, and if you want to find out more, feel free to visit my site in description, I write a new article every week and the audio is available on my Inside U podcast.

N°4: If you’re not ready to put yourself first

There are generally 3 categories of people who never make themselves a priority, or at least not enough.

Yes to everything

in this category, people tend not to know how to impose limits. It’s impossible for them to take care of themselves over the long term, simply because since they don’t put themselves first, they’ll constantly make themselves available for services, even if this means damaging their own health and development.

I’ve got time

in this category, I’m referring to people who think that because they’re young, because they’re currently in good health, because they think they have more important priorities than themselves on a daily basis, are in a state of mind of I’ll take care of myself later, there’s no hurry, I’ve got time.

Moms and single parents

Wanting to do everything you can to ensure that your home is stable, that your children have everything they need. The mental load of everyday life and all the things to organize. Moms tend to think that when they’re more independent, or when I’ll have more time, or when there’ll be such and such a change in my life, then I’ll take some time for myself….

Well, I’ll tell you one thing: in all these situations, it’s mainly about the choices you have to make. 

For the Yes to everything

never forget that everyone is replaceable. So don’t let your well-being be trampled underfoot by people who don’t appreciate your value, your time, your caring and simply your being. Take back control of your life and sort out the people around you. 

For those who have time

Living in the moment is a good thing, but the future has to be prepared and anticipated. If you want to be as carefree at 20 as you will be at 80, you absolutely must build the foundations of your future today.

For moms and single parents

Do you really think that by being exhausted, and not putting your health and well-being first, you’ll be able to provide everything your family needs? Do you really think that accumulated fatigue doesn’t take its toll on your body every day? The best way to take care of your loved ones is to take care of yourself first.

One day I’ll share a bit of my story with you, if you’re interested. And I’ll explain how I manage to work and take care of myself today, with a 15-month-old baby, who doesn’t go to nursery so I look after him 24/7, and whom I still breastfeed on demand and who doesn’t sleep through the night. I manage everything on my own. I’m alone. It’s possible, believe me.

N°5 : If nutrition doesn’t make sense to you

For many people, nutrition is a chore. They see eating only as a fuel or an instant pleasure, not as the possibility of drawing infinite energy from what they consume. Nutrition is not something you consider when you want to lose or gain weight, or when you’re ill, for example. Nutrition is a strength within everyone’s reach. You literally all have the power to choose which nutrients to put into your body to take you where you want to go. Energy, strength, immunity, protection against infection, uterine disease, gut problems and even mental health. You can improve, strengthen and propel every part of your Being to the highest level!

Choosing conscious nutrition also means showing greater respect for your body and allowing it to be your best friend for life. Because your body will always have your back if you give it the chance, no matter what you start out with.

As you can see, if all these points are prohibitive and seem insurmountable in the medium/long term, then holistic health is absolutely not for you.

It’s a way of taking care of yourself that only the most conscious of you will be able to implement in your lives.

Feel free to share your point of view with me in the comments, to tell me what resonated with you and what’s hardest for you to implement.

Hélène – Traditional Therapist in Holistic Health


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