45″ online Holistic Health session

45″ online Holistic Health session via ZOOM – Booking below only

45″ consultations are sessions dedicated to the development of your health and well-being. These consultations will enable you to get to the source of each of your disturbances, whether physical, organic, emotional or energetic.

By putting actions in place, you’ll see changes week after week, until you’re completely autonomous, because yes; my primary objective is to make you a Being responsible for your health by providing you with all the elements you need to build or rebuild yourself, without you feeling trapped by your therapist.

Your autonomy is my success. Whether it’s a one-off consultation or in-depth support, you’ll be guided according to your Uniqueness and your needs.

Some areas of expertise :

  • Herbal remedies needed
  • Energetic traumas
  • Hormonal imbalance (Women and Men)
  • Painful menstruation
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine disorders (fibroids, cysts, etc.)
  • Fertility and pregnancy
  • Depression
  • Anxiety and stress
  • Search of identity
  • Individual and generational trauma
  • Eating disorders
  • Plant based Nutrition and micro-nutrition
  • Sickle cell disease
  • Complete detox
  • Intestinal disorders
  • Cognitive disorders
  • Sexuality and libido
  • Etc…

It’s easy to book a session: just select the slot that suits you best and follow the instructions. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to you as well as a reminder 48 hours before your session.

The consultations are open to the international community and accessible in French and English

45″ online Holistic Health session every Thursday Morning and Friday afternoon

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