Online courses

Each of these guides and training courses has been created with the aim of multiplying the capacities of your entire Being. More than just supports, they give you the opportunity to obtain the energy you deserve in all its forms.

By clicking on each thumbnail, you’ll discover the program I’ve concocted for you, and the benefits you’ll enjoy over the weeks and months!

Sea moss – Nutrition – Detox – Mental and physical health, Energy…

I share my knowledge, experience and expertise in the fields of health and well-being to help you achieve your goals.

Juice challenge – 6 days detox !

In this ebook you will find a complete protocol for cleansing your body.

I’ll also share with you how to prepare yourself before the challenge and, above all, how to get back to a normal rhythm afterwards so as not to ruin all your efforts.

This is literally the ebook you need to give your system energy, strength, a vitamin boost, mental clarity and a major waste elimination. 
How’s that sound?

Bonus: There’s a special notice in this ebook to make this challenge accessible to pregnant and breastfeeding women, including those on medication. This will enable you to complete the challenge gently and get the maximum benefits without shocking your body.

Get your Guide!

Womb | How to detach energies that don’t belong to you

In this 1h Masterclass, I’ll explain the connection between energies and your uterus, and especially how to detach yourself from energies that don’t belong to you.

Past traumas, ex-partners, environment, pregnancies etc…. All the people you meet and the environments you live in leave an imprint on you. By learning to detach yourself from them, you can finally discover who you really are without the influence of the energies that surround you.

Every woman is a divinity – Discover the power within you

This masterclass is for you if :

  • If you feel overwhelmed by your emotions and energies
  • if you’ve experienced trauma and haven’t been able to learn how to free yourself from it
  • If you want to discover who the real woman inside you is
  • If you want to discover what you can create, do and achieve with your energy
  • If you want to take possession of your power and heal yourself
  • If you want to protect yourself and all yours sisters, daughters, friends, aunts etc… Sisterhood

Time to heal yourself

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