Why my content is in English

I Hope you’re all well! Today I wanted to answer a question I’ve been asked a lot over the last few weeks. I know a lot of people don’t understand why, after almost 6 years with a French business, I’ve decided to start all over again in English. So here I am, this episode is exclusively designed to explain why my content is in English, and also to tell you a little more about me.

This episode is going to be very short, I just want to be transparent with you.

If you don’t know me, I’m Hélène, your Traditional Therapist in Holistic Health. I’m specialized in Womb, Gut and General health care and my goal, is to sublimate your being through Energy, Nutrition and Herbs.

Don’t forget that you can find the script in your description box

My story

For as long as I can remember, I’ve had an immense love for this language. 
My family speaks Haitian Creole as well as English, and I actually have family all over the world.
My goal has always been to be 100% bilingual and to move to an English-speaking country. The fact that I’ve never felt French, and that my parents aren’t French themselves, has probably also played a role. So I’m still in a transitional phase between who I am and who I personally want to become. 

The arrival of my son accelerated my decisions. As soon as I knew I was pregnant, I instinctively sang lullabies to him in English and spoke to him in English. In the difficult moments of my pregnancy when I was very ill, I transmitted my energy and strength to him in English so that he would fight with me. I don’t know how to explain it, but it was all very fluid, natural and unpretentious.

Today my son is 18 months old and expresses himself mainly in English, and seeing him like this comforts me in my choices.

I simply want to live and act as I wish, in accordance with my desires, needs, dreams and intentions. And I can tell you, it feels really good! I don’t want to pretend to fit in with other people’s vision, because my ambitions and intentions clash with egos.

My career path

When I was in finance, I always made sure that I worked in a professional environment with an international dimension. This way I could practice my English as much as possible. Taking stock with this podcast I really realize the extent to which the love of speaking English has followed me absolutely everywhere. And the fact is that I’ve pushed open doors so that English can always be present in my life.

Then I set up my own business, and after the euphoria of starting up and discovering what it was like to be an entrepreneur, the sharing, the conferences, the training etc… well, I was disillusioned. I was no longer able to fulfil my potential, because although I spoke my native language on a daily basis, strangely enough, it’s not the language of my heart, nor the one in which I see myself expressing myself on a daily basis.

I know that may sound crazy to some of you, but it’s the way it is for me, and I’m not ashamed of it. 

Every time I tried to get back to work, I was simply demotivated. Creating content in French and staying in the same boxes was simply damaging my well-being, my creativity, my visualizations and projections etc… I actually felt like I was lying to myself and staying formatted in the normality of others. 

I started again and stopped 3 times because I couldn’t pretend to create content in French any more.

My dream of giving conferences in English. Exchanging with a multitude of people, of going to the English-speaking Caribbean to give conferences or workshops. Plants, energies, feminine power etc… I have a lot of ideas! I have a lot of projections that I see coming true and none of them are in French.

How I’m improving

I know that my English isn’t perfect, I make mistakes or speak too fast sometimes, but that doesn’t stop me. Excellence comes from practice, so I’ve put the turbo to reinforce my progress. 

So here are the 10 things I do every day to improve my English

  • Create content every day in English
  • Read exclusively in English 
  • Switch my phone, iPad and PC in English
  • Watch films in English with English subtitles
  • Listen to podcasts in English
  • Exchange with people through apps, my family or online courses
  • Film content in English, especially youtube videos, as they allow me to see my progress. My articulation and my self-confidence evolve. Speaking English in a field such as plants, energies, health and general well-being are not the same thing. It’s not the same vocabulary and expression, so filming myself on these subjects that I’m passionate about, allows me to increase my progress.
  • Do exercises to strengthen my spelling
  • Think and write in English
  • Visualize myself in my dream life so that I don’t give up, because even if it’s a real pleasure, it’s still a daily job.

My ambitions

As you can see, for my personal life and that of my family, moving abroad is one of our goals. 

For my professional life, my ambition is simply to develop Maadili kan in the language that I’m passionate about. That’s stimulates my creativity and that thrills me. To share in a language that allows me to work all over the world, with people who want to develop their knowledge of natural treatments and care. I want to use this way to put Health on another level. I want to send you vibrations so powerful that I’ll be able to give you the strength to take care of yourself and finally regain control of your life.

Many will think that I’m not legitimate in English, and I’m sure that I’m alienating the French-speaking community. But if there’s one thing I won’t compromise on, it’s my happiness and my visions. Because that’s the only way I’ll be able to pass on my knowledge and my desire to learn every day and share it with you as authentically as possible.

I have a huge, intense vision for Maadili kan and nothing can stop me.


Share and 1 and 1 session

If you make the effort to listen to the content of English-speaking people and don’t want to listen to mine because I’m not native, well, just take care of yourself. It’s okay, I can understand. It’s been a pleasure creating for you over the last few years.

For the time being, I’ve reopened the consultations and they are, of course, available in French. So if you’re looking for personal guidance on a health or wellness issue, you can always book a slot. I’ve reopened the consultations basically for you. You can have a transition away from my content creation and I can answer your questions, so I hope you’ll enjoy them. I’ve put the link in the description.

And if you’d like to continue the adventure with me, to go further and see how far our community can evolve, and above all how knowledge will become our greatest strength, then thank you for being here.

Thank you for listening to this very special episode

See you soon and take truly care of you

Hélène – Traditional Therapist in Holistic Health

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