How to improve your Self love

I hope you’re all well! I’ve been away between my son baby Jay who was ill and some emergencies to deal with, so I haven’t been around for a good 2 weeks but here I am again with lots of content as promised. Let’s talk about How to improve your self love.

For some people, September is the second January of the year. The resumption of good habits, the setting up of routines and goals for yourself, your family, your business, your job etc…

I’m going to share with you in this article, available on, or on your listening and video platforms like Spotify or Youtube, 13 ways to increase your self-love and bring about real change in your life.

If you don’t know me, I’m Hélène, your Traditional Therapist in Holistic Health. I’m specialized in Womb, Gut and General health care and my goal is to sublimate your being through Energy, Nutrition and Herbs.

Don’t forget that you can find the script in your description box

1 – Practice Self-Compassion

  • Be kind to yourself: Treat yourself with the same kindness and understanding as you would a close friend, your child or someone you really love. We naturally tend to be harder on ourselves than on others, and I know what I’m talking about. I’ve done a lot of work on myself because I used to punish myself psychologically when I felt I hadn’t done things well enough or that I needed to do more. I was very clumsy as a child, and still am today. And my family often told me I was too stupid. So I was constantly trying to prove that I could do better. The downside was that I punished myself psychologically when I was disappointed in myself. I could do an episode on it if you like and especially if other people go through it I think my reconstruction could help you. All this to say that no matter how self-destructive you are, increase the kindness you feel towards yourself.
  • Acknowledge your feelings: Allow yourself to feel your emotions without judgment. Understand that it’s okay to feel sad, angry, or anxious at times. Having negative feelings about yourself or experiencing emotions you can’t control is all part of the process of living. By embracing your emotions and accepting what you feel, you’ll be able to get back on track much more easily and without losing any of yourself.

2 – Set Boundaries

  • Learn to say no: Prioritize your needs and don’t be afraid to decline requests that drain your energy or make you uncomfortable. I wrote a newsletter about how being selfish can benefit your well-being. Defining your limits means protecting your energies and emotions, but also defining the limits that others must not exceed. Loving yourself means respecting each of your limits.
  • Protect your time: Spend time with people who uplift you and avoid those who bring negativity. Don’t be afraid to be different and refuse certain outings, meetings, events, etc. Your time is valuable, and that’s also part of taking care of yourself. Increase your daily quality time

3 – Engage in Self-Care

  • Physical care: Regular exercise, nutritious food, sufficient sleep, and proper hygiene are fundamental. Take time to pamper yourself, whether through skincare, a relaxing bath, or a hobby you enjoy. You have to make a commitment to yourself to make your well-being a pillar of your life. It’s easy to commit to others, but the person to whom commitments should never be broken is you.
  • Mental care: Engage in activities that stimulate your mind and bring you joy, like reading, puzzles, painting or learning something new. Your brain is a muscle that you can shape as you wish. Make sure you help it bring you self love, reconnection, respect, kindness and love above all else.

4 -Challenge Negative Self-Talk

  • Identify negative thoughts: Pay attention to how you talk to yourself. Replace self-critical thoughts with affirmations or positive statements. I’ll share some exercises with you if you like, but it’s essential for your well-being once again to train your brain to stop sabotaging, criticizing, punishing or slowing you down in everything you want to do.
  • Reframe failures: View mistakes as opportunities for growth rather than as reflections of your worth. Very often, when you don’t get something even though you’ve put all your effort into it, it’s because it wasn’t made for you, or it wasn’t the right time for you to get it, because you may simply not be ready for it yet.

5 – Practice Gratitude

  • Daily gratitude journal: Write down three things you’re grateful for each day. This shifts your focus from what you lack to what you have. You need to realize that every day of your life, things happen that you can be proud of. Pointing them out reminds you that, in your everyday life, you can already be grateful for what you have and what you are.
  • Celebrate small victories: Acknowledge and celebrate your achievements, no matter how small. There are no small victories. Make your mark and be openly proud of yourself, it’s really important. You deserve it.

6 -Focus on Personal Growth

  • Set goals: Establish goals that align with your values and work towards them. To respect yourself and continue to take care of yourself, set goals that are realistic and leave time for the unexpected, such as illness, accidents, children, work and so on. Just life. Overloading your goals will only slow you down, so be careful.
  • Embrace your uniqueness: Recognize that your quirks and differences are what make you special. Celebrate your individuality. You’re lucky to be you. Really, even if you don’t realize it. So please, start working on accepting your quirks and differences and what makes you You.

If you’d like some 1 to 1 session to help you take your well-being and general health to the next level, I’ve reopened my schedule. I’ll be posting the link on listening platforms and Youtube. I’ll let you discover only website how I can help you reveal yourself at every level.


7 – Surround Yourself with Positive Influences

  • Positive relationships: Surround yourself with people who support and encourage you. Minimize contact with those who bring you down. As I said earlier, loving yourself also means respecting your time and energy. Having a caring entourage that listens to who you are, respects your limits, encourages you to give your best without ever using you, etc. This is the type of relationship you absolutely must prioritize.
  • Inspirational content: Consume books, podcasts, and media that inspire and motivate you to love yourself more. You can shape yourself through the content you consume. So consume content that will bring you closer to who you want to be on every level.

8 – Forgive Yourself

  • Let go of past mistakes and injustices: Understand that everyone makes mistakes. Forgive yourself and focus on what you’ve learned from them. Living in the past and preventing yourself from evolving out of guilt is detrimental to your evolution. Give yourself more love by accepting the fact that you may have made mistakes or suffered injustices and traumas beyond your control. You can/should let go of what destroyed you at some point in your life. I know how hard it can be, but give yourself the chance to be who you want to be and experience abundance and happiness on every level.
  • Move forward: Don’t let past regrets hold you back from pursuing a fulfilling life. Every day is an opportunity to get closer to what you deserve.

9 – Mindfulness and Meditation

  • Stay present: Practice mindfulness to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings without judgment. Every emotion you feel has value. By being more mindful and respectful of your well-being, and by giving yourself more love, you’ll be able to bounce back better at every stage of your life.
  • Meditation: Incorporate meditation into your daily routine to reduce stress and cultivate inner peace. All I’m asking you to do is incorporate 10 minutes a day of meditation for 30 days. Trust me, give it a try. Whether it’s through guided meditation, cardiac coherence or something else. Just 10 minutes and believe me, your evolution will be much more palpable.

10 – Invest in Your Passions

  • Pursue hobbies: Engage in activities that you’re passionate about and that bring you joy. This boosts your self-esteem and gives you a sense of purpose. You must take responsibility for cultivating your creativity. The more creative you are, the more positively your perception of yourself and the world will evolve.
  • Learn new skills: Challenge yourself to learn something new. This not only builds confidence but also helps you appreciate your abilities. Your life and well-being don’t stop at what you are right now. You have the daily opportunity to learn things that will give you confidence in yourself, confidence in your potential, confidence in your self-worth, confidence in your ability to achieve what you want.

11 – Seek Professional Help if Needed

  • Therapy or counseling: If you’re struggling with deep-seated issues, a therapist can provide guidance and help you develop a healthier relationship with yourself. As I said earlier, if you need a holistic therapy consultation to work in depth, feel free to make an appointment with me in French or in English.

12 – Visualize Your Best Self

  • Visualization exercises: Spend time visualizing the person you want to become. Focus on embodying those qualities daily. This is literally something I’ve done and still do whenever I doubt myself about certain abilities. I put myself in the shoes of a woman who already possesses what I want to achieve. I walk in her footsteps, and over the days, weeks and months, I end up wearing her shoes, if not better shoes.
  • Affirmations: Use positive affirmations to reinforce your self-worth and boost your confidence. I generally recommend saying between 5 and 10 affirmations to yourself every day to help your brain see what’s beautiful about you, allow it to integrate it and then feel it without ever doubting it again. Again, taking care of yourself, giving yourself love and kindness, means helping your brain, your body and your whole being to accept the fact that your potential is inexhaustible.

13 – Practice Patience

  • Be patient with yourself: Self-love is a journey, not a destination. Allow yourself time to grow and evolve without pressure. The more you respect yourself and your current situation, without denigrating yourself, and realize that you’re only at the beginning of the most beautiful journey of your life, the more you’ll enjoy embarking on this journey. With patience, you’ll see things through to the end, and you’ll see real results not only in the love you feel for yourself, but in every aspect of your life.

That’s it, we’ve come to the end of this article/podcat which you’ll be able to find on all your listening platforms and on YouTube. You’ll be able to find the complete script on my website.

I really hope I’ve been able to help you or make you aware of certain obstacles that prevent you from taking care of yourself, loving yourself as you deserve and achieving everything you desire.

Don’t hesitate to leave me a comment to tell me what you thought of it, or to give me 5 stars if you liked the article on Google or your listening platforms, so that I can help and accompany even more people.

See you soon and take truly care of you

Hélène – Traditional Therapist in Holistic Health

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