How Sea moss changed my life !

In this article I’m going to tell you about something rather personal but essential. You’ll understand why Sea Moss has changed my life. It has become an indispensable part of my daily life and my well-being.

Why this super food ?

As a traditional therapist, I consumed many superfoods, recommended and studied many of their products. Then, a few years ago, I came across Sea Moss! The promises were so impressive that I wondered if they were true! I wanted to try it for 3 months in a row and there…. Wow, I could see a real change! From the outside, I could see the difference in my skin and hair. On the inside, I had more energy and, above all, less muscle and joint pain.

If you don’t know me, I’m Hélène, your Traditional Therapist in Holistic Health. I’m specialized in Womb, Gut and General health care and my goal is to sublimate your being through Energy, Nutrition and Herbs.

To give you some context, I suffer from fibromyalgia, functional colopathy, sickle cell anemia and, last but not least, polycystic endometriosis. And here, I’m just giving you the big things that impact my life and not the lighter ones.

So there you have it, just for me! All joking aside, throughout my life and especially following my return to a more natural way of life, I’ve been studying how to find natural alternatives to certain medications and how to relieve my own aches and pains and those of the people I care for.

I went to see several doctors, therapists and specialists of all kinds, and no one was able to understand me well enough to meet my needs. Fibromyalgia is a very specific illness that has no cure. Endometriosis is a disease that is becoming more and more common, but that can’t be cured either. Functional colopathy is calming down and can be put to sleep, but still cannot be cured. None of the doctors could understand why I didn’t want to take treatment, since I’m in pain and suffer from waking up to going to bed.

My mother and my grandmother both had these illnesses. As for my mother, who has fibromyalgia, I can see on a daily basis the impact of medication on her health. A drug taken for X amount of pain will have the effect of generating Y new disease or malfunction in her body. Her body is so screwed up that even the opium prescribed by her doctors doesn’t relieve her during her attacks.

It was therefore unthinkable for me, having grown up in an environment where blister packs were everywhere in the house, to reproduce this pattern.

So I searched, worked, studied and analyzed everything that could be done under a natural spectrum… And then the Sea Moss crossed my path.


But how the Sea Moss really changed my life ?

As you can imagine, as a Traditional Therapist, I’m familiar with many of nature’s powerful elements. The Sea Moss has been a booster in my reconstruction on 2 occasions.

At the time of its discovery, my body had accumulated a great deal of suffering and trauma. To soothe myself, in addition to certain analgesic plants, I had CBD infusions and massage balms that I made myself. I had a problem: I wanted to increase my body’s cellular reconstruction and relieve my intestinal flora and microbiota. 1 complete element, to avoid adding too many steps and constraints to my daily routine.

I continued, reducing the doses as the weeks went by, and on my umpteenth blood test, I could see that the levels of vitamins, minerals and trace elements had risen and stabilized.

I have anemia from birth, so I have to maintain my levels all year round with cures. Sea Moss has enabled me to stabilize it and to really fix the nutrients I bring to my body through food.

To put it simply, it helps my body to sublimate its potential.

When I got pregnant, my body suffered a lot. I had hyperemesis gravidarum, a pregnancy illness that made me vomit from the 1st month until the delivery table. I lost 12kg. With the fibromyalgia that had taken over and a complication that required nursing care for 1 month after the birth of my son, my body had suffered.

So I decided to restart a cure to help my body rebuild, but less intensely because of breastfeeding.

By consuming Sea Moss 2-3 times a week, I saw an acceleration in my remission. There was a real before/after effect. So yes, diet plays a part, but that’s pretty much all I had in place.

Having a full-time baby, who doesn’t go to daycare, who doesn’t sleep more than 20 minutes twice a day and who doesn’t sleep through the night… Not to mention my convalescence following my complications, I haven’t done any sport, nor consumed certain analgesic herbs incompatible with breastfeeding.

So even in this very particular context, with its high level of physical exhaustion and my pathologies, I was able to see a difference in my health. All the mothers who have had complications during childbirth, and in my case an emergency caesarean section, etc…. You know that recovery is not easy. Add to that pathologies already present and you’ve hit the jackpot in terms of pain.

Why do I sell Sea Moss on

I think with everything I’ve been able to explain, you may know the answer.

I don’t think we talk enough about this superfood. It really can do a lot for your health. I’ve briefly explained how it works for me, but it has a ripple effect on a huge number of diseases.

And the truth is, don’t wait until you’re ill to boost your body and enable it to live up to its full potential. If you’d like to learn more about Sea Moss and discover some recipes, it’s right here. My guide. will explain it all to you.

This Sea Moss is so rich in minerals that you’ll rarely find comparisons of such high quality. From personal experience and the impact it has had on the people I help, I feel I must share it with you.

Unfortunately, many of the sites on which I searched for Sea Moss were not transparent. Whether it was about the quality of the product, which was not up to standard or of poor quality when I received it, or where it came from… I absolutely had to be able to offer the best quality in my eyes. A good quality product guarantees a positive impact on the body.

The Sea Moss I offer you is uncontaminated, comes from Saint Lucia and has been dried naturally in the sun. It’s a nutritional dynamite 🙂

As a woman and mother, I’m committed to you, but above all, as a therapist, I can assure you that a simpleSea Moss can be far more beneficial to your body than certain medications.

  • Boosts immunity
  • Stimulates digestive function
  • Stimulates general body function
  • Regulates blood sugar levels
  • Improves cognitive function thanks to omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants
  • Prevents damage caused by free radicals
  • Regenerates and stimulates the womb
  • Improves skin quality
  • Reduces inflammation throughout the body
  • Relieves muscle and joint pain
  • Prevents cardiovascular disease
  • Rich in calcium, magnesium and potassium
  • Rich in iodine (maintains the body’s hormonal functions)
  • Contains vitamins A, E and K
  • Source of amino acids and antioxidants
  • Alkaline and electric: helps restart the system
  • Positive impact on endometriosis, cysts and uterine pathologies

This list is not exhaustive, of course ! The importance of the quality of your algae will make all the difference.

I hope this article helps you understand that you have the choice to take care of yourself differently.

I might never have shared all this with you, because being vulnerable when it’s our job to help people isn’t understood. However, I think it’s this vulnerability, the pathologies, my research, and my general well-being that make my words an important testimony.

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