7 ways to take care of your skin

Here I am for the 2nd episode of the week. I really have a lot to share with you. There’ll be another article on the subject to go into more depth in terms of skincare, nutrition and maybe even the products I use. Right now I wanted to share with you some simple gestures that will make all the difference, whatever your skin type and imperfections. 
So stay tuned until the end to discover my tips and 7 ways to take care of your skin.

If you don’t know me, I’m Hélène, your Traditional Therapist in Holistic Health. I’m specialized in Womb, Gut and General health care and my goal is to sublimate your being through Energy, Nutrition and Herbs.

Don’t forget that you can find all the details of this episode in your description box

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Tip n°1: Cleaning time

One of the things that has really made a difference to the quality of my skin is cleansing. Let me explain. Yes, the quality of the soap and the fact that it’s adapted to your skin is essential to see an evolution. Of course, I can confirm that. But the duration, rhythm and intensity of cleansing are just as important, if not more so. 

I’ve adopted the 2 times 1 min

First, I wash my hands properly before touching my face. Then I start with a 1-minute cleanse. This cleansing is in fact a pre-wash. It removes all impurities, external pollution, dead skin, dust, etc.; everything that gets stuck in your pores. 

After this minute, rinse your face with lukewarm water and repeat the process. Now your skin is free of these impurities, so you can use this 2nd cleansing step to dislodge the impurities that are really deep down. This is the best way to allow the properties of the skincare product you’ve chosen to work their magic. 

And yes, if until now you’ve only washed once, you’ve removed impurities from your skin, but in reality you haven’t cleansed and cared for your skin in depth.

Time is also important. 1 min is the time you need to take the time to make circular movements on each area of your face to gently dislodge impurities. 

Tips : I cleanse my skin with circular movements

Tip n°2: Single towel or absorbent cotton 

One of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to cleansing their skin is not to go for the :

1 sensitive area = 1 towel

As well as being thinner, the skin on our face is much more sensitive to external aggression and the transfer of impurities, bacteria, etc. Without realizing it, you’re transferring deposits from your body and feet to your face.Just because you get out of the shower doesn’t mean you’re perfectly clean. Yes, I’m going to incur the wrath of a lot of people I know, but really, the way you wash and the products you use will inevitably impact your cleansing. 

All this to say that if you want your skin to be perfectly clean and ready to receive the serums and treatments you’re going to give it, having a towel specifically for this area is a must.

Tip n°3: Floral water adapted to your skin

Why it’s important. Water contains limescale and various impurities, depending on the region you live in. Spray a cotton pad with floral water adapted to your skin, and wipe over your face to complete the cleansing process. 

I’ve really noticed the difference, on my redness and skin irritations, just by implementing this step. 

I use witch hazel water, rose water, helichrysum water, etc., depending on my skin’s needs.

Tip n°4: Scrubs and masks

1 time a week is enough, but it’s essential. 

Sometimes just 2 times a week can be too much for your skin. Personally, I have sensitive and very reactive skin. Doing 1 mask and scrub a week, but every week, has considerably reduced my redness and pimples. It’s also helped my skin to regain radiance and suppleness. 

Listen to your skin, don’t do what you’re told without listening to yourself. You make the final decision.

A word of advice about exfoliating products: the more sensitive and reactive your skin, the finer the grains you should use to cleanse sufficiently without weakening your skin.

Skin in the middle of the day – No make up | No filter
Skin just after my cream before going to sleep – No make up | No filter

Tip n°5: Sea moss and Aloe vera treatment 7 days a month/3 months

My final bonus tip is literally hydration. 
We’ll talk about nutrition etc… in Part 2. But are you paying enough attention to your external hydration? 

Twice a year, I do a 1 week per month for 3 months, a cure of sea moss and Aloe Vera.

In a bowl, I put 2cc of aloe vera gel and 1cc of sea moss. I mix it all together and put the mixture on my face every night for 7 days for 15min.

Just after cleansing with floral water and just before my skincare routine. 

It’s an incredible moisturizing boost that helps to plump up my skin and make scars less visible.
I do this treatment over 3 months, twice a year. 
For maintenance, I use this mixture once a week and that’s it.

Tip n°6: Penetrate skincare before bedtime

Don’t cleanse your skin and apply your skincare products just before going to bed. Wait 30 minutes to 1 hour for true penetration. 

It sounds logical when I write it, but it wasn’t logical for me in the first place. I think this reminder will do a lot of people good. 

If you go straight to bed or 15/20 minutes after applying your skincare products, you’ll simply transfer all your skincare products to your pillowcase. If you want optimum penetration, and especially if you’re using skincare products to care for and protect your skin, it’s best to let them soak into your tissues to reap their benefits.

Good for you? 

Tip n°7: Pillowcase

Ahh, this is very personal, but I strongly recommend changing your pillowcase twice a week. 1 time a week maximum, but please don’t spend 2 weeks with the same pillowcase and sheets. 

Every night, you shed dead skin, you sweat, you release fluids, there’s dust, some of your skincare products settle on it etc… a whole heap of impurities on which you lie night after night. 

So, to cut a long story short, every night, you’re going to put your face on top of the previous night’s deposits. If you have sensitive skin like mine, I really recommend changing your pillowcase twice a week, and let me know after 3 months to thank me.

So there you have my 1st tips for improving the quality of your skin. Simple things to do on a daily basis that make a big difference to the quality of your skin.

I remind you that all my tips are available on my website Maadili-kan.com, the link is on your listening platforms.

What’s the most difficult tip for you to implement? What are your indispensable daily gestures? And above all, share the actions that have made a difference for you.

If you have any questions, you know I’m here for you, and until our next appointment, please take care of yourself. 

Take truly care of you

Hélène – Traditional Therapist in Holistic Health


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