6 month Healing challenge

I’m super excited to write this article, I hope you’re all doing great. 

I’m going to start a 6-month challenge to regenerate my womb, my gut, my health in general, not forgetting my energies and, of course, my whole being. 

If you don’t know me, I’m Hélène, your traditional therapist in holistic health. I’m specialized in womb, gut and general health care and my goal is to sublimate your being through Energy, nutrition and herbs.

I challenge myself with 6 months to recover from two years spent between a very difficult pregnancy with complications. a post partum with complications from my emergency c-section, fibromyalgia, endometriosis and finally, my functional colopathy.

I’ve been through a lot. My aim through this episode, is to show you how to take care of yourself after several hard knocks, to restore youth, health, well-being, energy and strength to your whole being.

This challenge is completely flexible and adaptable to your needs. You don’t need to have any pathologies to do it. If you want to accompany your body towards regeneration, then it’s just right for you.

Your current state is not a fatality, and if you feel like restarting your body, whether just to maintain your balance or to strengthen your body in the face of certain illnesses.

So my challenge will be broken down into 6 parts

  • 1st Month: Taking stock, choosing and implementing habits 
  • 2nd month: 30 days of nutritious juices
  • 3rd month: Focus womb
  • 4th month: Focus gut
  • 5th month: Focus on general health
  • 6th month: Maintaining key habits and cruising at a steady pace

Before going into detail in each part, Let me a comment if you want to be a part on this challenge at any time. I’ll be sharing as much content as possible on my website over the coming weeks.

Here I go, starting with the 1st month

This month of taking stock and putting in place the actions that will become your habits is extremely important. It’s thanks to these foundations that you’ll be able to follow the next 5 months with the greatest ease, because the base will already be in place. Here’s how I break it down: 

I take the time to do a great deal of introspection and come back to it several times.

The goal is to understand :

  • What’s going wrong in my day-to-day life
  • What I want to change
  • What I’d like to change but can’t yet so that I can do what’s necessary to get it
  • Put down on paper everything that I feel has damaged my well-being

Whether it’s nutritional, emotional, relational, psychological, physical, etc… Identify all the elements of your life that you want to rework

Once I know exactly what I’m lacking, I want to achieve at the end of these 6 months at every level of my life, then I write everything down on 2 documents that I stick on my wall. 

Doc n°1:

This is for everything I want to achieve in terms of change, well-being and success in my life. I make a list of 15 things I want to achieve on a physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual level. And to go further I personally add, but it’s optional, 2 financial goals that I’m going to achieve thanks to the increase in my general well-being. I’m gonna explain that, in an other article.

Doc N°2:

I include everything that has prevented me from regaining my balance up to now. Although I’m a traditional therapist in holistic health, life hasn’t been kind to me over the past two years. Between pregnancy and post-partum complications and the staff, it’s been pretty tough. So I’m putting it all out on the table, so that if I find myself in one of these situations, or in a similar emotional or psychological state, I can have a reminder at a glance and make the shift in my mind. 

I’ll set up the habits I want to maintain in my daily life for the next 6 months. I take into account my situation, the fact that I’m raising my son and that he’s with me 24/7, I take into account my time, my work, while inserting days of kindness to remove any guilt in case my son is ill and needs me more intensely, in short, in case of problems beyond my control. 

So that’s it for the 1st month. I won’t reveal everything I’m going to put in place, because you’ll see it progressively over the weeks and months through the articles.


Month n°2:

This month will be used to provide my body with as many nutrients as possible, to support my body’s weaknesses and strengthen the organs I’ll be using the most during the 3rd, 4th and 5th months. I’ll be drinking daily fruit and vegetable juices from the extractor, as well as nutrient-rich smoothies.

I’ll be sharing recipes and tips with you regularly throughout the month.

It’s a month of preparation for the body before getting down to business. During this month, and every other month for that matter, I’ll be continuing the habits I put in place in month 1.

Month n°3:

I start straight away by cleaning my womb. I could have started this month with a general cleansing of my body, but I prefer to attack my biggest project directly, knowing that the other months will also have a positive impact on it and will therefore prolong all the benefits of this month’s attack. 

A few months ago, the doctors found an unidentified mass in one of my ovaries, measuring 4.8cm. After a first phase of attack through my care and nutrition, I was able to reduce this mass without treatment, from 4.8cm to 1.8cm, which is extremely positive. 

This month, I’m going to devote myself to providing as many nutrients as possible for my womb, working on my blood circulation and waste elimination, as well as working on my energies and eliminating energies that don’t belong to me and are still anchored in my womb. For this, I’ll be using my online masterclass « Womb – How to detach energies that don’t belong to you » where I put my personal routine. Finally, I’ll use my Detox and Love care compositions based on Sea moss and my True energy herbs to regenerate each part of my womb (product coming soon).

Month n°4:

Focus on my gut. This is also a priority for me, as I have fibromyalgia and functional colopathy, and my intestines are very sensitive. So, for those who don’t know, fibromyalgia is a neurodegenerative disease which is strongly accentuated by stress, anxiety etc… The emotional and psychological part influences the intensity of pain and mobility. But what does this have to do with the gut? For me, the gut is our 2nd brain. I’ll tell you more about it shortly. A well-balanced microbiota considerably reduces the aches and pains associated with fibromyalgia. I speak from experiences. Trust me. Having functional colopathy and being gluten intolerant, yes I know my life is a headache 🙂 By cleansing, purifying, strengthening and stimulating my gut, my whole being will regain its youthfulness. 

And for your information, by working on your gut, by cumulative effect you also work on your womb. 

So as for month n°2, you’ll have all the details as the months go by, but I can already tell you that I’ll be using my sea moss-based Microbiote and Calm and Comfort compositions, as well as my Back to peace herbs in this process (product coming soon).

Month n°5:

This will be the month of complete reinforcement of my body. This month will serve to sublimate all that has been implemented in the previous months. To continue the cleansing of the last toxins. I’m going to take advantage of this month to strengthen all my emunctories – the organs that eliminate waste from the body – so that they can respond whenever I need them, without even making an extra effort. 

The emunctories are the skin, lungs, liver, kidneys and gut

This month, I’ll be using my two latest sea moss-based compositions, Energizer and Clarity, as well as my Balance me infusions (product coming soon).

Let’s finish with the last month, N°6.

During this month, I’m going to review all the good habits I’ve developed during the first 5 months.

I’ll simply continue to implement them during this month. This 6th month is really the 1st month of the rest of my life! It will be the basis of my new balance and everything will be defined here. 

I really invite you to do the same after this challenge, but also after all the others you can achieve.

If you want to see my evolution you can follow me through those articles and my youtube channel. So now I have a question for you, do you want to do this challenge with me ? If you have any questions please ask. I’m here for that !

Hélène – Traditional Therapist in Holistic Health

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