Where to start? Let’s talk about me and about us?
So I’m Hélène, Tradititionnal therapist and Massotherapeute. Passionate about health and well-being as a whole, I have set myself the goal of developing my skills year after year with the aim of passing on my knowledge, and help anyone wishing to turn their life around.
I’ve always wanted to make a contribution to everyone I meet. Unfortunately, when I was younger, working in this field was frowned upon and not recommended. Overburdened by social and family burdens, I took a career in finance. Instead of bringing me fulfillment and turning over a new leaf, led to a series of illnesses and physical and mental distress that reminded me that I didn’t belong.
So I had to take care of myself. Despite the difficulties, it was a real pleasure to go in search of plants, treatments, analysis and application to take care of myself. My decision was then definitive…. Whatever happens, I want to learn and pass on.
Today I have a wealth of experiences in Naturopathy, Sophrology, Lithotherapy, Massotherapy and MicroNutrition. I deal with issues on a daily basis, which I dissect to help you move forward.
Now you know more about me !
I’m only at the beginning of my ability to transmit, so be ready to receive, for knowledge has no barrier than that of the mind.
Sf you’re interested in developing your mindfulness, check out the articles I write every week to help you improve your mental and physical health.
Take care of yourself beyond what you can see
Ankh Udja Seneb
Hélène – Traditherapist